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A Revolution in Transparency
1. Who is Budget Info Graphics?
Budget Infographics LLC is Texas Limited Liability Company based in San Marcos Texas. Their mission and purpose is to develop web-based infographics that can represent any city, county or school district budget and allow those with access to click on any section of the budget to drill down to reveal all financial information.

2. Is this a service or a software product?
It is both. The web-based software product is the framework around which the budget is built and displayed. The service is the entering of the budget information and keeping it current, allowing 3rd party verification.

3. Do we purchase or lease?
The product is sold under a Software & Service Agreement which is a yearly subscription.

4. Can the public see any confidential data?
There is no confidential data entered or viewable. All data is transcribed from the adopted public budget.

5. What happens when the new budget is released?
Budget Infographics reviews the new budget information upon release and updates the software so the latest numbers are reflected.

6. Is this designed for the citizens, the mayor, city council, county commissioners or city staff?
All of the above.

7. What happens if the city website is down?
Budget Infographics is hosted on a Tier 1 web hosting service which is not affected by the city web site. If the city web site went down, the link to the budget would not be available, however, it still could be accessed by going directly to www.budgetinfographics.com

8. Can we enter/edit data?
No, it is part of Budget Infographics service to enter the data. However, we will enter new data at the city's request.

9. Does BIG offer training or consulting services?
If required, BIG will provide both training and consulting services; however, using the software is intuitive so training should not be required.

10. Who has endorsed BIG?
The City of San Marcos, TX, New Braunfels and League City TX with many others in the approval stage.

11. Where can I learn more?
We would be pleased to do a demo of the software during a short 15 minute telephone conversation.